Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blogging Intentionally

Hello there, first of all welcome to Koinonia, and thank you for joining us. We are happy to be starting this new journey together, and we hope to really reach other couples through our "wisdom" or lack thereof at times. Just as a little side note, Cassie will always blog in italics, while Matt will always blog in normal text. If we are writing together, we will blog in BOLD. We feel this is a good way to distinguish who is writing when. Please bear with us while we get the blog fully up and running. If you want to learn more about US you can read the first two chapters of our love story HERE and HERE in Cassie's words. OR you can visit our stories using the "Her Story" and "His Story" tabs.

So, you might be asking, "what is this crazy word 'Koinonia' and what does it mean?" Well, this is your lucky day, because today we are here to tell you. Koinonia is the English translation of the Greek word 'κοινωνία' which means "communion by intimate participation," or at least close to it (there really is no English word sufficient enough to express the richness of this term). In the past, the word was used to refer to the relationship within the early Christian church as well as the act of breaking bread. It can also mean fellowship, sharing, and participation. This word occurs about between 19 and 20 times (depending on who you ask) in the New Testament. If you're curious, see Acts 2:42, and if you want to know more about what koinonia looks like check out: Romans 12:10, Romans 12:16, Ephesians 4:32, or 1 John 3:11.

As a couple, we really felt that the word 'koinonia' is a great representation of what we are trying to accomplish through this blog. We are trying to share our experiences with the hopes of creating an intimate fellowship through the active participation of our readers. Another quote we found when researching the word also really spoke to us, "Christian fellowship is a key aspect of the Christian life. Believers in Christ are to come together in love, faith, and encouragement. That is the essence of koinonia." And this is the essence of our blog.

We hope that you will join us on our journey of koinonia.


  1. love koinonia!!! it is one of my favorite words. community is so valuable and important in the Christian walk!!

    Just found you two! love it!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! You are part of the community that we hope for!


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